Alphabet (A)
One of the forms of the partner’s journey in solidarity with “SHRAKAT” regarding private sector lands, including: qualification, study of technical offers, study of prices, development of the implementation plan, and signing of the declaration memorandum
Inquiries about the validity of an deed
This service allows all those concerned with Property development to verify the integrity of the deed and the sequence of its ownership.
It is the building that contains the rental units.
Parties to the rental process
The dealers in the Property rental sector are: the lessor, the Property broker, and the lessee.
Issuance of an Owners Association Registration Certificate
This service allows the issuance of a registration certificate from the owners initiative, and this certificate seeks to regulate the relationship between owners and occupants of housing units of joint ownership.
Common parts in rent
Parts that are shared by the beneficiaries of the rental units in the property, such as corridors, elevators, and others that are not restricted to one of the users.
Property brokerage agreement
It is an agreement concluded by the Property broker with the property owner to rent the property or parts of it.
Families most need
Families that fall under low income classifications.
Owners Association
A program that aims to govern the relationship between owners and tenants of jointly owned housing units by establishing rules, regulations, and control mechanisms, arranging property and facilities management services, and promoting a culture of coexistence via education and awareness.
Conditional contract or (contract related with condition )
It is a feature that guarantees the registration of the contract, and allows adding an agreed period prior to the contract's activation and entry into force, which the parties specify for the purpose of completing the initialization, and during this period one of the parties has the right to cancel the contract.
Common parts of ownership
It is the area of common services between all units within the property.
He is a completely independent and impartial engineer. The examiner's decision depends on the correctness and integrity of the application of procedures and regulations. The examiner does not have the authority to sign any document on site, but has the full responsibility to discover and evaluate Errors and defects and demand their correction. As well as the checklist, the inspector looks at the general condition of the building to determine other defects or possible occurrence at a later period.
Adoption of the initial scheme
Initial approval of the land division plan by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing, in which building systems and controls are defined, as well as land uses and the road network.
Standard lease agreement
It is an electronic rental contract in a unified format, approved by the judicial authorities.
Notarized contract
The standard rental contract registered in the electronic network of rental services, which is signed electronically with the approval of all parties to the rental process.
Final accreditation
Accrediting the plan in the final form after applying the plan on the ground and implementing all the requirements and controls related to the rules of the urban zone.
Property sciences
All subjects and specialized scientific curricula that are concerned with teaching the economics, techniques and management of the Property industry.
It is the building that contains the rental units.
Common Property
The term "common property" refers to property that is owned by several people, each of whom owns a part of the public property.
Department of development, supervision and control of the Property facility
It is the authority responsible for supervising and controlling the Property facility to control violations - individuals, institution, or company.
Alphabet (B)
market of housing
A market in which housing units of all types and sizes are sold, bought and traded, and includes relevant government agencies in addition to financiers, real estate developers, contractors, investors, brokers and citizens, and it is part of the real estate market. Letter (Arabic)
Housing Cooperative Society
They are institutions with economic and social objectives created voluntarily by a group of individuals, including legal persons, and they contribute to its capital, to meet their housing needs by building affordable housing units with the participation of members' efforts, following cooperative principles. Letter (Arabic)
National Company
The National Housing Company. Letter (Arabic)
Market of real estate
The broadest and most comprehensive concept, through which all types of real estate are sold, bought and traded (land, housing, markets, towers, complexes, farms, factories, warehouses, schemes, ..etc) and these real estate are multi-use (residential, commercial, administrative, industrial). , investment, agricultural, and others) and includes the relevant government agencies in addition to investors, investment funds, banks, real estate developers, brokers and citizens. Letter (Arabic)
A housing association
A housing association that provides housing services to beneficiaries within its scope and is subject to technical supervision by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing.
Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company. Letter (Arabic)
Enable the request
Meeting the increasing demand for residential real estate financing, and enabling the citizen to obtain an adequate housing. Letter (Arabic)
A memorandum of understanding outlining the frameworks of the relationship and areas of cooperation between development housing and associations and civil institutions. Letter (Arabic)
Saudi Real Estate Institute. Letter (Arabic)
Supply support
Supply support is an essential pillar of the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing, and is achieved through three axes: Planning, regulation and control, research and studies, awareness communication, and the sustainability of the Ministry's resources with funding and investment.
partner association
A civil society whose framework agreement has been signed, provides developmental housing services to beneficiaries within its scope. Letter (Arabic)
white land
It is the government land located on the outskirts of each country, and it is empty and uninhabited land.
A long-term plan based on the analysis and understanding of all current variables and future expectations and the development of appropriate procedures and interventions to deal with them appropriately. Letter (Arabic)
A balanced and sustainable housing environment
Introducing and developing programs to stimulate the private and public sectors through cooperation and partnership in organizing, planning and controlling to facilitate housing for all segments of society at an appropriate price and quality. Letter (Arabic)
Obverse for usufruct
It is a symbolic financial consideration that is deducted from the beneficiary in exchange for the use of the housing unit. Letter (Arabic)
Secretariat Authority
A service body with a legal personality with financial and administrative independence headed by an official with the title of trustee, which undertakes the implementation of the tasks entrusted to it and specified by the decisions of its competencies.
Public relations
A communicative activity that helps to create a good reputation, a positive mental image, and to gain the public's trust and sympathy. Letter (Arabic)
Ministry Resources Sustainability
To maintain the continuity of support resources for the Ministry on a permanent basis in order to ensure financial sources that help it achieve its goals. Letter (Arabic)
Obverse for usufruct
It is a symbolic financial consideration that is deducted from the beneficiary in exchange for the use of the housing unit. Letter (Arabic)
A legal personality with financial and administrative independence and has its own independent budget and serves the city in which it is located and the villages associated with it in accordance with a ministerial decision issued by the Minister of Rural Affairs.
A communication activity in which the means of mass communication are used to disseminate objective facts and communicate correct information to the public with the aim of influencing and attracting it. Letter (Arabic)
financing solutions
Home financing solutions (loans) from financial institutions to suit the needs of citizens and help them to own a home at an affordable price. Letter (Arabic)
Development programs
Programs aimed at building the capacity of the beneficiaries to move them from pastoral to developmental and are implemented by partner associations. Letter (Arabic)
village complex
A legal personality with financial and administrative independence and with its own independent budget is established to serve a group of villages and choose the village in which the basic necessities of life are available and be its headquarters.
A communication activity that aims to persuade the public to link to the existing and available solutions and products to satisfy their needs while providing an easy, smooth and positive experience that reinforces this link and supports its continuity. Letter (Arabic)
Beneficiary development plan
A plan according to which the best programs and solutions are studied to transfer the beneficiary from pastoral to developmental, empowering him and building his capabilities. Letter (Arabic)
work rules
The rules issued by the committee regulating the sale or lease of real estate units off-plan. Letter (Arabic)
It is a legal person branched from either a specific municipality or municipality, established with the aim of facilitating the provision of services entrusted to the secretariat or municipality to citizens residing in its district within the limits of the powers vested in it
Ministry lands development
The lands belonging to the Ministry, which were allocated to it by various parties, with the aim of developing basic infrastructure. Letter (Arabic)
Housing Products
They are products provided by the "Sakani" program, and they include: housing units, developed housing lands, subsidized housing finance, and others. Letter (Arabic)
Disclaimer of usufruct
The beneficiary’s exit from the circle of need for housing and from the category sponsored by the Ministry of Labor and Social Development. Letter (Arabic)
The project
Building construction or land development for the purpose of selling or renting off-plan real estate units. Letter (Arabic)
Natural Resources
They are all the resources that man has nothing to do with their existence, except that man can, with his effort and the knowledge he possesses, transform these resources into elements of wealth. Letter (Arabic)
It is a program intended for the citizen in the first place, to facilitate access to various housing solutions through easy and smooth steps. These solutions are carried out in partnership with the private sector and financing agencies, to speed up the process of obtaining the first home. Letter (Arabic)
Off-plan sales
Selling or renting any off-plan real estate units, regardless of their purpose, whether they are residential, commercial, investment, office, service, industrial, touristic or other, and whatever method of development or establishment, in which the developer receives sums from the beneficiaries or financiers of the project. Letter (Arabic)
real estate
The sorted part of the project, including the parts of the white land if the project is for establishing the infrastructure. Letter (Arabic)
Advantages of organization
The planning appurtenances are applied to parts of the land after widening a street, building a facility, a public space, or expropriating ownership.
Renewable resources
They are those resources that remain available in the natural environment as a result of the interactions of ecosystems, as they increase and grow over time, such as fish, pastures, forests and all kinds of plant and livestock. However, the available stock of these resources and the possibility of their renewal in the future is negatively affected if humans drain and exploit them in irrational ways. Letter (Arabic)
The Developer Services Center “Etmam” is an initiative of the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing to accelerate the pace of work on residential projects in the Kingdom and increase the volume of investment in the real estate sector.
Real estate developer
The concerned entity licensed to engage in the sale, purchase and development of real estate or off-plan sale and lease activity. Letter (Arabic)
Buyer or renter of the real estate. Letter (Arabic)
Grant land
It is a gift and giving from the state to the citizen without compensation for those who do not have independent housing or land on which independent housing can be established, in addition to the fact that they reside in the country in which they are requesting grants.
The executive regulations for the white land fees system. Letter (Arabic)
The off-plan sale program (Wafi) aims to market and sell the real estate unit before or during the development or construction phase, by setting a description of the final plan or a model for the shape of the building in its final form after the completion of the development or construction process, and the real estate developer's commitment to implementation according to the model and agreed specifications. Letter (Arabic)
Grantee account
The project’s bank account in which the amounts paid by the buyers of the units sold off-plan or by the project’s financiers are deposited, and the disbursement from it is made to the project in return for the percentages of completion on the project’s land with the approval of the project’s parties. Letter (Arabic)
Dedicated to the detailed engineering plan of the real estate units subject to sale or lease approved by the competent authority. Letter (Arabic)
They are the lands that are granted in schemes approved by the secretariats, municipalities and village complexes to the citizen based on orders issued by the guardian without restriction or condition. Letter (Arabic)
Blank land
Land that has not been urbanly developed for the purpose for which it was allocated, in accordance with the relevant laws and regulations in force at the time of the announcement. Letter (Arabic)
Development housing
One of the initiatives of the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing, which aims to meet the neediest families in the community for housing and enable them to own or use the appropriate housing according to their needs. Developmental housing provides housing units either through purchasing from the units offered in the market, through construction and building, or through the housing units of the Ministry, which are available in all regions of the Kingdom. To ensure that families’ needs are quickly met, partnership agreements have been concluded with more than 200 NGOs spread across all governorates of the Kingdom, to undertake the tasks of communicating, visiting families, assisting them in choosing housing, following up on delivery, and managing and operating housing units.
Account Secretary
Financial or banking institutions licensed by the Saudi Arabian Monetary Agency (SAMA), whose tasks include monitoring and following up on deposits in the escrow account and disbursement on the project. Letter (Arabic)
Financial consideration
What the committee charges in return for the licenses it issues or for the services, works or advice it provides, which shall be determined by a decision of the minister. Letter (Arabic)
A natural or legal person registered in his name with a document proving ownership of the land subject to the drawing at the time of the issuance of the relevant decision, and this includes his heirs or successors. Letter (Arabic)
Sustainable construction
Sustainable building aims to provide a range of services and solutions to contribute to raising the quality of residential construction and raising the efficiency of energy and water consumption. Letter (Arabic)
Legal accountant
A person authorized to work in accounting and legal auditing. Letter (Arabic)
It is the house or shelter designated for housing and residence and is provided with the necessary utilities and is subject in its distribution, construction and number of floors to the desire of the inhabitant within the regulations of the competent authorities. Letter (Arabic)
The announcement issued by the Ministry regarding the lands subject to the drawing within one of the stages of the timetable, according to what is specified in Article (sixth) of the Regulations. Letter (Arabic)
Rental program
It is an integrated system that aims to develop the housing and real estate sector system in the Kingdom in a balanced manner by finding sustainable solutions to the challenges of the real estate market that preserve the rights of all parties involved in the standard housing lease contract. The electronic network for rental services is one of the most important solutions that aim to regulate the relationship between the parties to the rental process (the tenant, the lessor, the real estate broker), which contains a set of integrated electronic services that will contribute to creating the rental sector with transparency, trust and impartiality. Letter (Arabic)
Engineering consultant
An engineering supervision office licensed to work on engineering consultancy. Letter (Arabic)
The technical procedure that includes detection, review, and reporting to the committee. Letter (Arabic)
popular house
It is the house that relies in its construction on mud or cement walls and is roofed with wood and mud materials, and often consists of one floor. Letter (Arabic)
Developed land
The Blank land whose planning has been finally approved by the competent authority. Letter (Arabic)
Saudi Real Estate Institute
It is an institute specialized in disseminating the best international practices in the real estate sector, providing training and qualification for practicing professionals in the Saudi real estate sector, and granting them professional certificates that enable them to enter the labor market with high efficiency.The institute is one of the initiatives launched by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing within the National Transformation Plan 2020 to achieve the vision of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia 2030, in cooperation with local and international partners and houses of expertise in the real estate field.
The legal entity contracting with the real estate developer to complete and manage the project during the development phase. Letter (Arabic)
Mediation between the seller and the buyer to complete the sale in return for the pursuit fee. Letter (Arabic)
Armed house
A house in which concrete is used in its structural structure and consists of one or more floors. Letter (Arabic)
Urban development
For undeveloped land; It is the completion of the implementation of its development in accordance with the regulatory requirements at the time of approving its plan, and for the developed land; It is the completion of the construction of residential facilities on it - except for fencing and the like - in accordance with the building permit issued to it. Letter (Arabic)
The decision issued by the Minister to subject a certain land to the application of the fee. Letter (Arabic)
Municipal real estate
Real estate owned by the municipality as specified by the system. Letter (Arabic)
Real estate broker
Everyone who practices Activity of brokerage business or marketing and sale of real estate. Letter (Arabic)
Building area
The total building areas mentioned in the regular license issued by the competent authority (building license, construction license or equivalent), provided that it does not include areas for services. Letter (Arabic)
Grant land
It is a gift and giving from the state to the citizen without compensation for those who do not have independent housing or land on which independent housing can be established, in addition to the fact that they reside in the country in which they are requesting grants. Letter (Arabic)
White land
Each Blank land designated for residential, residential or commercial use; Within the boundaries of the urban area. Letter (Arabic)
Any gathering of the population, whether it is a city, governorate, or center. Letter (Arabic)
Any commercial, service or craft business that the regulations and instructions allow to be practiced by the investor by leasing lands and real estate owned by the municipalities, provided that they are planned and designated for the practice of these businesses. Letter (Arabic)
Exchange document
A document designed by the developer in coordination with the account custodian, according to which the escrow account is disbursed for the construction of the project. It is signed by the real estate developer, engineering consultant and chartered accountant. Letter (Arabic)
small projects
The project whose construction area does not exceed (5000 m2). Letter (Arabic)
Secretariat Authority
A service body with a legal personality with financial and administrative independence headed by an official with the title of trustee, which undertakes the implementation of the tasks entrusted to it and specified by the decisions of its competencies. Letter (Arabic)
Urban limits
The lines shown in the maps of urban scope documents in accordance with the approved urban zoning rules, which show the various stages of urban development, the development protection limit, and represent the appropriate boundaries for the settlement of urban activities, and the absorption of urban growth during a specified period of time. Letter (Arabic)
The approval of the competent authority to carry out the activity. Letter (Arabic)
financial stimulus
It is a refundable amount of money provided as a grant from the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing to the real estate developer in a specified percentage of the value of the project development, and it is obtained after the approval of the concerned authority in the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing.
Medium projects
The project in which the construction area exceeds (5000 m2) and does not exceed (10,000 m2). Letter (Arabic)
It is the house or shelter designated for housing and residence and is provided with the necessary utilities and is subject in its distribution, construction and number of floors to the desire of the inhabitant within the regulations of the competent authorities. Letter (Arabic)
Public utility
Roads, water, electricity, communications, sewage and torrential drainage networks. Letter (Arabic)
Land Registry
A set of documents that show the descriptions of each property, its location, its legal status, its rights and obligations, and the amendments that occur to it in succession. Letter (Arabic)
Excess withdrawal
The real estate developer has the right to withdraw the excess amount in the escrow account in his favor if the assets of the escrow account fully cover the costs of the project. Letter (Arabic)
A program released by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing with the aim of establishing partnerships between the ministry (the government sector) and the private sector by providing high-quality housing solutions and facilities that suit the requirements and needs of the citizen and at a price that is commensurate with his income.
popular house
It is the house that relies in its construction on mud or cement walls and is roofed with wood and mud materials, and often consists of one floor. Letter (Arabic)
Public services
Religious, educational, health, security and other services; Which is not covered by the regular rate of planning. Letter (Arabic)
Environmental pollution
The presence of one or more substances or factors in quantities, qualities or for a period of time that directly or indirectly leads to harm to public health, neighborhoods, natural resources or property, or negatively affects the quality of life and human well-being. Letter (Arabic)
saving amount
keep an amount equivalent to 5% of the total value of the construction cost as a guarantee for the implementation of the project, and it is disbursed after the approval of the committee or the lapse of one year from the date of the developer’s delivery of the project and emptying to the buyers. Letter (Arabic)
Building under construction
One of the housing solutions provided by the "sakani" program, through which several models of housing units are presented to the beneficiaries with different spaces, designs and suitable prices to be sold before or during the development or construction phase. The housing unit is approved, and the real estate developer is committed to implementation in accordance with the agreed designs and specifications. Letter (Arabic)
Armed house
A house in which concrete is used in its structural structure and consists of one or more floors. Letter (Arabic) A house in which concrete is used in its structural structure and consists of one or more floors. Letter (Arabic)
Competent Committees
The committee to consider violations and objections to the white land fees system or the committee to estimate the value of the land subject to the application of white land fees. Letter (Arabic)
Municipal license
It is a written approval from the competent authority in the ministry, including approval to practice the activity in accordance with the terms and requirements regulating it. Letter (Arabic)
Payments table
All payments collected from buyers in the escrow account must be linked to the completion percentage, so that the first payment does not exceed 20% of the completion percentage, and the last payment is 5% as a maximum. Letter (Arabic)
Partnerships Incentives
The incentives and privileges offered by the “Sharakat” program to encourage developers, by facilitating procedures and working to create a flexible mechanism for implementing project plans; In order to create a stimulating environment for developers and the government that allows the provision of more housing units for citizens. Letter (Arabic)
District Municipalities
It is one of the formations created by the ministry in accordance with certain controls and standards, and it is like the parent municipality, to which a number of municipalities and village complexes have been linked in a limited area and has great powers in a desire to speed decision-making and achieve flexibility of work. It undertakes the tasks entrusted to it on its own, as well as supervising the supervision of the municipalities and the village complexes associated with it. Letter (Arabic) .
Payment order
The notification issued by the Ministry to the person charged with the decision regarding his land, including his name, the number of the land deed, its location, the statutory document, the amount of the fee and the date of payment. Letter (Arabic)
Municipal fines
They are the fines and penalties mentioned in the list of fines and penalties for municipal violations or in any other legal text dealing with a municipal violation. Letter (Arabic)
Developer Qualification
A certificate issued by the off-plan sales committee to the developer after the real estate developer has passed the qualification criteria approved by the committee. Letter (Arabic)
Reducing the cost of land
The reduction in the cost of land as a result of the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing providing subsidized lands and/or free lands based on the type of project proposed by the developers; With the aim of supporting and strengthening the housing sector by offering these lands at reasonable prices.
It is a legal person branched from either a specific municipality or municipality, established with the aim of facilitating the provision of services entrusted to the secretariat or municipality to citizens residing in its district within the limits of the powers vested in it. Letter (Arabic)
Billing cycle
Regular dates annually, with a fixed period of time to pay the fee of one year, starting from the date of imposition of the fee on the land. Letter (Arabic)
Environmental Health
The safety of everything that surrounds humans, including water, air, soil and food, and that they are free from diseases or their causes that may cause negative effects on public health. Letter (Arabic)
Engineering report
A report showing the percentage of completion, main activities, general information, and notes for the construction works in the project. Letter (Arabic)
Interest-free financing
The financing provided by the Ministry without interest to qualified developers in order to support the development costs that they have put forward to start construction works. Letter (Arabic)
It is the acquisition of government lands without a right or title, based on some people claiming ownership of land under the pretext of squatting. Letter (Arabic)
An act or omission of an act by the taxpayer or his authorized representative, intentionally or negligently, that breaches one of the duties of the law or regulation. Letter (Arabic)
Urban Impact
It is the building that reflects a special religious, civil, historical or architectural importance, such as mosques, old towers, palaces and walls. Letter (Arabic)
Unit specifications
Building specifications and finishes that the developer is obligated to implement for each unit. Letter (Arabic)
The increase in the rate of construction
The increase in the built-up area factor, which occurs as a result of the Ministry allowing developers to develop more dense housing units where appropriate.
Advantages of organization
The planning appurtenances are applied to parts of the land after widening a street, building a facility, a public space, or expropriating ownership. Letter (Arabic)
The penalty imposed by the competent committee on the taxpayer for the violation attributed to him. Letter (Arabic)
Health control
It is a set of field and administrative procedures that are taken to follow up the health conditions that are required in the shop or factory and to ensure their availability, especially in the places of manufacture, preparation and display, as well as for workers, and to verify the safety and suitability of foodstuffs for human consumption and their compliance with the prescribed specifications for each type. Letter (Arabic)
Consultation office
The engineering office licensed to engage in engineering supervision and monitor the implementation and approval of project works. Letter (Arabic)
They are the lands that are granted in schemes approved by the secretariats, municipalities and village complexes to the citizen based on orders issued by the guardian without restriction or condition. Letter (Arabic)
The taxpayer or his representative grieved against the decision issued to impose the fee on his land before the competent committee. Letter (Arabic)
His Excellency the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. Letter (Arabic)
Units Code statement
A statement of the number of units to be sold on the map, with a fixed symbol for each unit. Letter (Arabic)
village complex
A legal personality with financial and administrative independence and with its own independent budget is established to serve a group of villages and choose the village in which the basic necessities of life are available and be its headquarters. Letter (Arabic)
His Excellency Deputy Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing. Letter (Arabic)
Actual completion rate
The percentage of the construction work that has actually been completed on the project. Letter (Arabic)
Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing Sector System
Entities with independent legal personality (government agencies or companies) whose boards of directors are chaired by His Excellency the Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing, which are: (Housing Program, Real Estate Development Fund, General Real Estate Authority, National Housing Company, Saudi Real Estate Refinance Company). Letter (Arabic)
Ministry of Municipalities and Housing.
Planned completion rate
The percentage of completion according to the schedule approved by the construction works of the project. Letter (Arabic)
Housing Program Letter (Arabic)
The Commission
A commission for selling or renting off-plan real estate units. Letter (Arabic)
An interactive process in which information (message) is exchanged between two or more parties (sender, receiver) or more in order to convince and influence. Letter (Arabic)
Housing volunteer
A person who has a specific skill or experience in a field of housing that he uses to voluntarily perform a social duty and choice without conditional remuneration. Letter (Arabic)
Real Estate Development Fund. Letter (Arabic)
Provisions related to the sale or lease of real estate units off-plan, based on decisions of the Council of Ministers. Letter (Arabic)
Development of real estate
The process of planning raw land and constructing residential, commercial, office, service, industrial, touristic units or other real estate construction and construction projects. Letter (Arabic)
co-operative housing
It is part of the housing program that aims to provide adequate and affordable housing units for citizens by enabling housing cooperative societies to establish housing units. Letter (Arabic)
Real Estate General Authority. Letter (Arabic)
Alphabet (D)
Residential support
A platform that supports defaulters in paying housing.
Support defaulters
It is a government program that assists Saudi tenants who are unable to pay their rent or evacuate their apartment due to their incarceration, sickness, death, or lack of financial means, and competent committees certify their eligibility for assistance according to their special processes.
Rental support
Supports rent payment cases.
Value added tax (VAT)
With few exceptions, an indirect tax charged on all products and services purchased and sold by businesses. The tax is imposed in more than 160 nations throughout the world as a main source of revenue that helps countries improve their budgets.
Housing support
Availability of housing for acceptable cases.
Property finance cycle
Qualified Property finance consultants, who are familiar with Property finance systems, regulations, concepts, contracts, providers, and mortgage systems, will introduce the Property fund's financing products, conditions, and requirements for support, as well as how to calculate housing support.
A sustainable cycle for residential buildings
An authorized sustainable certification course aimed at preparing engineers to understand the sustainable evaluation methodology for new residential construction. The course includes a thorough description of the assessment system, as well as seminars and practical exercises to help students grasp it better.
Building Technology Introduction Course
The training focuses on the most significant technologies, such as insulated concrete formwork, tunnel formwork, lightweight precast concrete, light iron buildings, and precast concrete modules, that the Building Technology Stimulation Program is aiming to expand and promote acceptance across the Kingdom. The objective of the training is to increase demand for building techniques by increasing awareness and expanding expertise in the industry.
Alphabet (F)
Rental payment period
The agreed periodic period during which a payment of rent is due, and it may be monthly, quarterly, semi-annually, and others.
Tax invoice
The tax invoice is issued in Arabic, as well as any other language that may be issued in it, and contains the following information: the invoice's date of issuance, the serial number that identifies and distinguishes the tax invoice, the supplier's tax identification number, and the customer's tax identification number (if the customer is personally responsible for calculating the tax for supply and a statement thereof), the date on which the supply was signed, the supplier's and customer's names and addresses, the quantity and type of the products or services given, the taxable amounts according to the rate or exemption, the unit price excluding tax, and any discounts or rebates The appropriate tax rate and VAT amount payable are stated in Saudi SAR if not included in the unit price.
Property unit sorting
This service allows converting one deed into several debentures emanating from it, with the possibility of dividing a building or Property Compound (residential or commercial) into several separate Property units so that each unit has a separate title deed.
Alphabet (G)
JOOD Housing
A national project that aims to involve the community (individuals / organizations) to provide a helping hand for housing support through an electronic platform that achieves transparency, accuracy and professionalism in providing support.
Giving goodness
It means the housing or cash tender through the payment of rent and other stores.
Charities accredited by Jude Housing.
Alphabet (H)
Savings solutions
These are banking programs that help the citizen to plan early for housing by including it in savings programs.
Contract Status
A statement of the status of the contract, whether it is new, renewed, valid or terminated.
Land incentives affiliated to the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing
Incentives that include granting construction exception, infrastructure financing support, conditional purchase guarantee, and granting Interest-free loan not exceeding 20%
Private Land Incentives
Incentives that include supporting infrastructure financing, granting a good loan not exceeding 20%, granting an exception for construction, marketing and selling to non-beneficiaries of the ministry, and a conditional purchase promise.
A system based on principles to achieve the aspirations of stakeholders (those directly or indirectly affected by the organization). It is an organizational process that includes legislative, executive and regulatory activities.
Alphabet (K)
Building quality inspection service
The service aims to enable the beneficiary next to construction (whether Property developers or individuals) to verify the quality and safety of construction operations through an inspection mechanism by certified examining engineers, whereby the housing unit obtains a building quality certificate after its construction is completed and all stages of the examination are successfully passed.
Prefab Inspection Service
It aims to enable the beneficiary wishing to purchase or rent a building to verify its quality and safety, through a visual inspection mechanism by certified engineers to detect apparent defects in prefabricated buildings. Under the examination, a report is issued for the condition of the housing unit, provided that the age of the property does not exceed 15 years.
Building sustainability assessment service
A mechanism for assessing the conformity of the building to environmental sustainability standards. According to the evaluation, the building receives a special classification that determines the degree of compliance of the building with the standards of sustainability.
Sale services for residential units under construction
The ministry organizes the sale of housing units before or during the development or construction phase through the application of the “WAFI” program so that the Property developer / beneficiary can obtain the appropriate internal financing.
Alphabet (M)
Whoever wishes to rent the property for his use, the tenant may be an individual, a group of individuals, an institution, or a company.
Property brokers sale project for the units under construction
A project that aims to enable Property brokers to sell units under construction by introducing, marketing, impounding and selling them to beneficiaries, especially the renters.
Property facility, Property brokerage office, Property office or Property brokerage companies
They are the ones who have a valid commercial register that includes the practice of renting and managing Property, and they rent the Property owned by them or registered in the names of the establishments they own.
Crowd funding platform
A platform to collect donations and contributions in a reliable and correct way
Donation platform
A platform that collects contributions or donations to families in need.
Owners Association Platform
An electronic platform serving unit owners and developers.
Taxable supplier (seller)
Means the Property seller who is officially registered with the General Authority for Zakat and Tax.
He who owns an independent Property unit, whether it is one or more.
Federation Board of Directors
It is an administration that seeks to achieve the objectives and objectives of the union and it consists of a president and members who are elected through the constituent meeting of the general assembly.
The legal entity (individual, institution, or company) registered with the Zakat and Income Authority as a taxpayer to supply the subject taxes by filing tax returns.
Facilities Management Manager
The person responsible for managing and supervising the care of the facility. To achieve this, the facilities manager must be familiar with the building’s mechanical and electrical systems, concrete structure, finishes, infrastructure and efficiency of devices and equipment, then follow up and coordinate their integration to achieve efficiency, effectiveness, reliability and safety and to ensure their work in accordance with regulations and legislation.
Supervising Engineering Office
Responsible for fully supervising the activities that take place on the site, whether before implementation - during implementation - after implementation, and receiving all works according to specialization in accordance with approved designs and plans.
Property unit sorting platform
Property unit sorting is performed and all Property unit information and quorum are determined, from the land area and common parts of the property, on an electronic platform that serves the engineering office, the developer, and the Property unit sorting team, and it is managed by the engineering department in Property unit sorting.
Property consultant
It is a specialist that helps citizens obtain the best financing offers that suit their needs, by facilitating and finalizing the mortgage loan application process through the Fund's branches, where the Property consultant submits requests to the financing agencies and follows up on behalf of the beneficiaries.
District General Directorates
They are regional administrations, and they are a supervisory authority close to the municipalities and village compounds. They take over the work of the ministry for these municipalities and direct them and solve their problems. The directorate is responsible for all the activities of the ministry in the region according to the powers granted to it.
Comprehensive development plans
Issuing a building permit in conjunction with the approval of the infrastructure networks so that the Property developer can start constructing buildings during the infrastructure development work of the scheme, thus reducing the time required for the development of the scheme.
The fee for documenting the contract
The amount paid by the lessor for documenting the contract in a rental network.
Housing volunteer
It is the effort based on a specific skill or experience in the fields of housing, which is done willingly and voluntarily, with the purpose of performing a social duty without expecting a conditional financial penalty.
Alphabet (N)
Modern building systems
This service allows the development of smart housing units with sustainable solutions at reasonable prices by stimulating the adoption of innovative building technology in the construction sector and its localization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia to address the demand gap for housing units.
Type of property use
Residential, commercial or residential commercial.
Unit type
In the residential sector, it may be a villa, an apartment, a two-floor apartment (duplex), a small apartment (studio), or an annex apartment. In the commercial sector, it may be a warehouse, shop, kiosk, office, and others.
Alphabet (Q)
Property Development Fund Lists
Lists of citizens officially registered with the Property Development Fund published on the fund's website.
Alphabet (R)
Seriousness Proof Fee
A sum of money paid by the beneficiary to the developer to guarantee the reservation of the housing unit under construction; So that the amount paid is calculated from the value of the product.
Mortgage and Release the Mortgage
This service allows obtaining cash in return for freezing the disposal of some assets, and the release of the pledge is the lifting of the ban on the disposal of the pledged assets.
Electronic link or digital link
Electronic integration with the data recorded in the electronic systems of entities in the public and private sectors, such as linking with electronic systems with the Ministry of Interior, the Ministry of Health, and others.
Health control
They are the measures taken by the municipality, municipality, or village Compound to monitor the availability of health conditions that must be met in public health shops and their employees in order to ensure the safety of the food and beverages offered by these shops, with the objective of maintaining public health.
Building quality inspection service fee
These are fees paid by Property developers or individuals, in return for obtaining all stages of examination and certification fees.
Union fee
Fees approved by the owners association’s general assembly to meet the union’s obligations.
Building Permit
Approval of the design plans of the building to be licensed, so that the height of the building, building surfaces, setbacks and structural ratio are determined, in light of the location of the land in the city.
Quest fee
The pursuit fee is intended to determine the pursuit fee that the broker is entitled to and is paid only once.
Partner's Journey
The partner’s journey with the developer with “SHRAKAT”, whether his land is privately owned or under the ownership of the Ministry. This journey includes: identification, award, advertising, marketing and selling.
Alphabet (S)
Electronic payment
An option to pay the fare via the (SADAD) system for electronic payments.
Citizen's Health Entitlement
It means that there is no housing or residential property in the name of the citizen by verification of the Ministry of Justice, or the absence of a housing loan in his name with the Property Development Fund or commercial banks.
Tax payment eligibility certificate
It means the citizen's eligibility to benefit from the content of the royal order (A/86).
Fiscal year
It starts from the date of the union’s registration with the Ministry and ends after the completion of the year on the Gregorian date.
Rental network or electronic network for rental services
The electronic system through which contracts are documented, and the rental process is managed.
Infrastructure networks
Approving the design plans for the infrastructure networks from the relevant authorities.
Professional Certificates
Certificates granted by the Saudi Property Institute to the trainees, which enable them to enter the labor market with high efficiency and professionalism.
Executive deed
An approved document that is binding on direct execution, and the enforcement court is the judicial authority concerned with obligating its implementation in accordance with its procedures.
Building Completion Certificate
In it, the conformity of the building's implementation with the issued building permit is verified.
Glasses deed
It is a judgment deed issued by the court to appoint a person to dispose of a specific endowment property.
Deed / injunction
An official paper issued by the courts to prove a case.
Property developer qualification certificate
The Property application for Property qualification for off-plan sales projects, and the center deals with the off-plan sale and rent committee “WAFI” until the approval of the qualification is issued and sent to the applicant.
Alphabet (T)
Updating and converting a manual deed into a comprehensive deed
Automation of deeds and their inclusion within the comprehensive system of the Ministry of Justice.
Request for exceptions
Excluding projects related to housing with building requirements related to multiple floors, and setbacks, spaces and public services will be added to them later, provided that this does not prejudice the requirements and conditions of security and safety.
Request for support for labor registration
This service enables Property development companies to submit a request for confirmation of obtaining employment based on their compatibility with the volume of work, and to provide a technical opinion on whether the numbers should be accepted or modified based on the study in order for the Ministry of Labor and Social Development to issue labor visa endorsements.
Partnership Request
A service that aims to establish partnerships between the ministry (the government sector) and the private sector by providing high-quality housing solutions and facilities to suit the requirements and needs of the citizen and at a price that is commensurate with his income.
It is the acquisition of government lands without a right or title, based on some people claiming ownership of land under the pretext of squatting.
The state bears
It means that the state bears the value-added tax on the citizen's first home, according to Royal Order No. (A/86).
Refund request
A service provided by the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing to serve the beneficiaries by entering the platform, filling in the main data for the Property ownership process, and attaching the required documents to disburse no more than (42,500 SAR) value-added tax for the eligible citizen.
license for Off-plan sale of Property units
This service allows Property development companies to apply for a license for their projects whose off-plan Property units will be sold.
Housing volunteering
A person who has a specific skill or experience in a field of housing that he uses to voluntarily perform a social duty and choice without conditional remuneration.
Marketing license for off-plan Property in the Kingdom
This service allows Property development companies to apply for a license to market off-plan sales projects inside Saudi Arabia for existing projects abroad.
License inside the Kingdom
This service allows Property development companies to apply for a license to market off-plan sales projects inside Saudi Arabia for existing projects within it.
Housing volunteering
It is the effort based on a specific skill or experience in the fields of housing, which is done willingly and voluntarily, with the purpose of performing a social duty without expecting a conditional financial penalty.
A license to introduce Property on the map inside the Kingdom
This service allows Property development companies to apply for setting up an exhibition inside Saudi Arabia to introduce off-plan sales projects for existing projects inside the Kingdom.
One of the forms of the partner’s journey in solidarity with “SHRAKAT” regarding the lands subject to fees, and it includes: defining the target lands, communicating with the owners, valuing the land, and an exclusive authorization from the owner.
A license to offer foreign Property for sale on the map inside the Kingdom
This service allows Property development companies to apply for the establishment of an exhibition inside Saudi Arabia to introduce off-plan sales projects for existing projects outside the Kingdom.
One of the forms of the partner’s journey in solidarity with “SHRAKAT” regarding the Ministry’s lands, and it includes: inviting companies, delivering brochures, a memorandum of desire to participate, submitting offers, financial and technical evaluation, and awarding the project.
Alphabet (W)
Certified Property Brokers
Property offices and brokerage firms that have a valid commercial register that permits the practice of renting and managing property, or those who meet the status of mediation and its requirements in (EJAR) who are renting property that they own or that is registered in the names of establishments they own.
Prefab units
They are ready-made units that are available directly from the Saudi Property market and are compatible with the technical requirements of the Ministry of Municipalities and Housing.
Expenditure document
A document designed by the developer in coordination with the account custodian, according to which expenditures are made from the escrow account on the construction of the project.
“Promise” (guarantee for the purchase of unsold housing units)
The Ministry of Municipalities and Housing promises to purchase unsold housing units. The purchase of unsold housing units on private land is subject to the stipulated terms and conditions.
- It means that the eligible beneficiary chooses a ready-made villa from the Ministry and this villa is reserved through Sakani platform, after registering with the Advisor and appearance of the recommendations, and then the unit is purchased by the financier with support provided by the Ministry according to the mechanism appropriate to the beneficiary.
- The responsible entity is the municipality, and the application should be submitted before the specified impoundment period ends, along with the vehicle's or disrupted machinery's identity and ownership.
- Currently there are 5 available packages of housing subsidy: Advanced Subsidy Package, House Renovation Package, Self-Build Subsidy Package, Furniture Subsidy Package and Rent Subsidy Package.
- The housing support application procedures are stopped, and the applicant may re-activate the application procedures after the conditions are met again.
- 1/Street Development 18/Add parking on street 2/Deduction of land designated as a garden for building of a mosque 19/Add/Cancel (junction, wrap hole, passage, light signal) 3/Issue a technical report 20/Street Lighting 4/Add a name to the Road and Street Names Lexicon 21/Develop or Expand Street 5/Approval of the creation of an electricity room 22/ Develop a New Garden 6/ Approval of hydrological studies 23/ (renovation and restoration of municipal facilities) markets, cemeteries, public courses 7/ Approval of traffic impact studies for schemes and projects 24/Determination of street levels 8/Approval of requests for the construction of communication towers in public parks 25/Modify the use of a site or facility to the use of a mosque 9/ Approval of power room transmission 26/Change the name of the street 10/Report on disaster-related data 27/Organizing the mosque area within the approved public facilities 11/Set up a sidewalk 28/Festival Site Configuration Service/Event 12/Water catchment clearance (aquatic cluster study) 29/Integrating Streets 13/High rock removal 30/ Asphalting streets 14/Issuance of permanent linkage licenses with drainage network 31/Maintenance of road facilities 15/Issuance of temporary linkage licenses with flood drainage network 32/Addressing the request for the organization of a government facility 16/Add or remove the bump, design positions, put indicative panels 33/Transfer of electrical transformer from house to adjacent garden land 17/Add facility to the mosque
- There is no need to modify the number of family members through Sakani platform, and when submitting an application with the financier, the number of family members in the family card is relied upon.
- We continue to provide housing solutions that contribute to improving the lifestyle, and you can choose one of the available housing solutions "purchase from the market - self-construction - residential lands - housing units under construction - ready housing units from the ministry." You can view the housing solutions through Sakani website and application
- - Log in to Sakani platform or application.- Select of a real estate product.- Determine the financier.- Enter the financing information.- Accept the initial offer.- Send the application to financier.
- Waiver of entitlement is only between spouses.
- The correction period for abandoned vehicles is 20 days, granted to the owner to address the vehicle, and the period starts from the date of marking the abandoned vehicle. The correction period for damaged vehicles or disrupted machinery is 14 days, granted to the owner to address the damaged vehicle or disrupted machinery, and the period starts from the date of marking the damaged vehicle or disrupted machinery.
- Metal structures, including vehicle structures, engines, damaged equipment, damaged motorcycles, and vehicle trailers
- By accessing the main ministry icon on the site, you will find all municipalities, and you can click on the icon to review municipal information to get a map of the places and names of the municipalities.
- All communications related to municipal work
- 1/Receive or Give a commercial site in public benefit markets 10/Damage to non-food items 2/Election of heads of professions 11/Remove damaged cars 3/Correction of existing building position 12/Remove discarded cars 4/Feedback on the sites of poultry and animal production projects 13/Issuance of mechanism permits for transporting waste and debris 5/Training in slaughterhouse works 14/Support for hygiene services at national and annual events 6/Give a technical opinion on import/export of entertainment horses 15/Request for hygiene services 7/Issuing a slaughter permit for a kitchen during Eid al-Adha 16/Transfer of tailings and demolitions 8/Settling infringement of environmental health regulations 17/Issuance of burial permit 9/ Give a technical opinion in the field of hygiene 18/ Give a technical opinion on food regulations and specifications
- Yes, they can apply if they meet the conditions of Implementing Regulations of Statute of Housing Subsidy.
- The program aims to provide housing solutions that contribute to improving the lifestyle of our beneficiary families to build a community whose members enjoy multiple ways of owning a home. To check the eligibility status immediately, please complete the entry procedures through the Sakani application
- 1/Establishment of service offices 2/Leasing Investment Land 3/Renewing investment opportunities 4/Offering investment opportunities
- After the expiration of the correction period (14 days) for the damaged vehicle or disrupted machinery, and after ensuring that there are no security restrictions on it or that the vehicle does not belong to diplomatic missions, the vehicle is photographed from all angles. An inspection report is filled out and the vehicle is lifted by the competent authority in the secretariat or municipality (municipal inspector and towing contractor). The photos and the report are uploaded to the digital system, and copies are provided to the relevant parties.After completing all the above legal procedures, the competent authority in the secretariat or municipality (municipal inspector and towing contractor) proceeds to lift the damaged vehicle from its location using a towing truck (Satha) to the impoundment site.
- By clicking on a search at the designated location at the top of the site, it will open a new tab containing an advanced search, by selecting the classification of qualified engineering offices, it will search and display the results related to the search word.
- 1/Laboratory inspection of food and water samples 2/Training food and water laboratory technicians 3/Preparation of technical reports on cracked buildings
- The designated impoundment period is 90 days, starting from the date the vehicle is lifted from the site.
- Call Center: municipal communications 940 Balady 199040 WhatsApp (0548368888 - 0126149779)
- After field observations are recorded, they are automatically entered into the dedicated system for tracking abandoned and damaged vehicles, and disrupted machinery. The process of dealing with the vehicle begins with marking the vehicle and notifying the owner or authorized person via text messages about the need to rectify the vehicle's status within the legal timeframe. If the owner or authorized person fails to respond, the vehicle is towed and impounded at the designated location. During this period, coordination with the Ministry of Interior is established through electronic connectivity services to finish the procedures related to dealing with the vehicle.
- When reserving the land, the electronic contract must be signed within 48 hours so that the land is not canceled from the beneficiary.Special Land:The building permit must be obtained and uploaded to “Sakani” site and construction begins within 6 months from completion of the allocation; then the construction is completed and occupation certificate is issued within 3 yearsNormal land:The building permit must be obtained and uploaded to “Sakani” site within 6 months from the completion of the allocation; then construction must be commenced within a year and the construction is completed and occupation certificate is issued within 3 years.
- 1/ Adding new activities related to commercial licenses 30/ Issuance of a health certificate 2/ Report the location of a business 31/ Issuance of a health certificate (replacement for lost or damaged ones) 3/ Issuance of a commercial license 33 / Cancellation of the health certificate 4/ Modify commercial license data 34/ Issuance of a veterinary health certificate for leather and other animal products 5/ Transfer of ownership of a commercial license 35/ Permit to provide tobacco products 6/ Renew a commercial license 36/ Revocation of permit to provide tobacco products 7/ Cancellation of a commercial license 37/ Permit for commercial activities 24 hours 8/ Issuance of a berth occupancy license 38/ Events Permit Service 9/ Cancellation of a berth occupancy license 39/ Parking Permits Service 10/ Issuing a license for telecom towers 11/ Issuing a card for the profession of Dalal 12/ Issuance of a card for a dalal profession (replacement for lost or damaged) 13/ Renewal of a card for the profession of Dalal 14/ Cancellation of a card for the profession of Dalal 15/ Issuance of the immediate license for warehouses 16/ Issuance of a new building permit 17/ Issuing a building permit (replacement for lost or damaged ones) 18/ Renewal of a building permit 19/ Transfer of ownership of a building permit 20/ Inspection visit to construction stages 21/ Issuance of a building restoration permit 22/ Issuance of a fencing license 23/ Issuing a drilling license for major projects 24/ Issuance of a building demolition permit 25/ Amending a building permit (adding and modifying components) 26/ Testimony about a construction site 27/ site suitability report 28/ print construction license 29/ Issuance of a building completion certificate
- Residential land product is one of the subsidy types and has housing subsidy differing according to the followed mechanism. To know all the subsidy details, please contact one of the official channels of Sakani program.
- By accessing the media center in the main list of the site, then the mailing list, you register your email and your data to get the latest ministry news.
- No, the country does not bear the tax on self-build.
- The design can be viewed and purchased through the Sakani platform or through the comprehensive Sakani Center.
- Through the website's main menu - public services - sites available on our portal.
- The service is a reliable and approved real estate market platform for displaying and buying new and used residential products (villas, apartments, floors and lands) from different regions of the Kingdom.
- Yes, if the financier agrees but the proportion of support you receive is calculated on the maximum profit of SAR 500 thousand.
- Lands that are submitted through a sakani platform, provided that he pledges to build a house on it within a certain period, and the beneficiary can take real estate financing to build on it, and it will be supported on the profits of the first 500 thousand from the loan at a certain percentage.
- Marking the abandoned or damaged vehicle causing visual distortion, or disrupted machinery does not hold the municipality any responsibility for the safety and security of the vehicle and its components. During the marking period, the vehicle remains under the responsibility of the owner, who has full rights to dispose of it.
- The responsible entity for marking abandoned or damaged vehicles is the secretariats or municipalities. The process is carried out by inspectors from these secretariats or municipalities during field visits.The relevant secretariat or municipality notifies the General Traffic Department and the General Investigations Department electronically with the data of the abandoned and damaged vehicle, or disrupted machinery before placing the warning sticker. This is done to verify that there are no security restrictions on the vehicle or that it is not owned by diplomatic missions. If there are any security restrictions, the security authority is informed to proceed accordingly.If there are no security restrictions on the vehicle, the marking process is carried out by the secretariat or municipality by placing a warning sticker on the abandoned and damaged vehicle, or disrupted machinery.
- No, there is no monthly installment as the subsidy amount of the housing subsidy packages is non-refundable.
- Land plans can be viewed via Sakani application or platform.
- Registration is done electronically through Sakani application or platform, through the immediate entitlement through the following link . If the status of eligibility (due) appears, the applicant can benefit from one of Sakani products directly.
- It means that the beneficiary chooses a ready-made housing unit from the market (whether villa, apartment or duplex), and after being registered with the Advisor and issuing the financier’s approval of the unit, the unit is purchased with support from the Ministry according to the mechanism appropriate to the beneficiary, provided that the building area in the unit shall be more than 125 square meters.
- 1/Replacement of land grant prior to the instrument's issuance 23/Purchase of organizational/grant surpluses 2/Replacement of land grant unfit for construction 24/Sorting Agricultural Land 3/Exception for Building and Land Use Regulations 25/Transfer Grant 5/Report on Land Site 26/Remove infringements on private property 6/Technical opinion on dual ownership 27/Elimination of encroachments on unearmarked Government lands 7/Technical Opinion of Land Property Overlap for Approved Schemes 28/Estimate of damage caused by the Secretariat/Municipality's work 8/Technical opinion to issue an argument 29/Video Maps Release 9/The technical opinion of the validity of the instruments' data is not an invocation 30/Issue maps and spatial information 10/Express an opinion on real estate newspapers 31/Release panoramas 11/Issuance of land document for loss of allowance (survey report) 32/Issuance of aerial images 12/Renovation of old grant land document (survey report) 33/Real Estate Units Maps and Real Estate Areas 13/Retail residential or commercial land 34/ Issuance of cadastral reports for raw lands for an area of 10,000 m 2 14/Fragmentation of agricultural land 35/ Issuance of cadastral reports for mud popular buildings (inclined to collapse) 15/Segmentation of non-residential land 36/ areal lift 16/Site ownership update 37/ Issuance of the cadastral report in conjunction with the lands with the initial plans 17/Allocation of industrial land to a government entity 38/ Statement of geodesic points 18/ Allocating land to a government agency 39/ Providing real-time corrections data for cadastral surveys 19/ land settlement 40/ Expressing a technical opinion on the overlapping of private and government properties 20/ Modifying the use of agricultural land to another use 41/ Estimation of real estate in the municipal sector 21/ Land Use Amendment 22/Implementation of the High Orders on Grants
- - Beneficiaries Care Center: 199090, working hours: from 8 am to 8 pm (Sunday - Thursday) - Social media "Twitter": @saudihousingcc Working hours: 24 hours / 7 days -Business WhatsApp: 0554199090 Working hours: 8-4 from Sunday to Thursday. -Branches: Working hours: 8-2:30, from Sunday to Thursday.
- No, the country does not bear the land purchase tax.
- Yes, ten days before the end of the impoundment period, the secretariat or municipality will notify the vehicle owner or their authorized representative through a text message sent to the registered mobile number in "Absher" platform. The notification will request them to claim their vehicle before taking the necessary legal action.
- 1/ Poll on draft decisions of his municipalities 7/Grievances for Fines and Infractions 2/ Receiving suggestions about public park services 8/Grievances for Competition and Contracts 3/ Receiving suggestions 9/Complaint related to services provided 4/ The service of receiving notifications regarding the work of the secretariats 10/Booking an Online Appointment 5/Fight stray dogs, snakes, and rodents 11/Commissioner's services 6/Pest and insect control 12/Account Manager Services
- The Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing provided an engineering design service, which enables purchase of designs at affordable prices and integrated plans with the advantage of a free license.
- Only one family member can benefit from the Ministry's support.
- By clicking on the icon at the top of the page
- The vehicle owner is entitled to reclaim their abandoned, damaged, or disrupted vehicle after the expiration of the designated impoundment period, provided that the vehicle is still in impoundment and after paying the fine amount, towing fees, and impoundment costs.
- • The lifting contractor is responsible for the safety of the abandoned, damaged, or disrupted vehicle and its components during the lifting, transportation, and unloading process until it reaches the impoundment site. Photos of the vehicle from all angles are taken at the impoundment site. • The contractor is responsible for any damages that may occur to the vehicle during towing or impoundment. • The contractor is committed to ensuring the safety of the abandoned or damaged vehicle while it remains in impoundment.
- The center is available for (24 hours).
- You can apply for the subsidy after having the eligibility through registering with Real Estate Advisor, selecting the product and viewing the available package.
- What are the channels of communication with Sakani?
- The residential land product is one of the subsidy types and the provided subsidy varies according to the followed mechanism. To know all the subsidy details, please contact one of the official channels of Sakani program.
- With aim to diversify the options of housing subsidy for the beneficiaries, housing subsidy packages, which are considered an optional solution, are launched. Such packages allow the beneficiaries to obtain non-refundable immediate subsidy up to SAR 100,000 or 150,000 according to the approved subsidy matrix. Such subsidy is provided in participation with Real Estate Development Fund and financiers.
- If the vehicle owner does not claim their impounded vehicle within thirty days from the date of impoundment, the relevant authority, such as the secretariat or municipality, will notify the vehicle owner electronically. The notification will also be sent to the emirate or governorate and the General Department of Traffic to take any necessary actions and inform the violator to claim their vehicle. After two months from the date of impoundment, the secretariat or municipality will notify the vehicle owner or their authorized representative through a text message sent electronically to the registered mobile number in "Absher" platform. The notification will request them to claim the vehicle before the deadline and take the necessary legal action. Ten days before the end of the impoundment period, the secretariat or municipality will send a text message to the vehicle owner, requesting them to claim their vehicle before taking the necessary legal action.
- No, you cannot take advantage of it for self-construction.
- • After the expiration of the correction period (20 days) for the abandoned vehicle, and after ensuring that there are no security restrictions on it or that the vehicle does not belong to diplomatic missions, the vehicle is photographed from all angles. An inspection report is filled out and the vehicle is lifted by the competent authority of the municipality (municipal inspector and towing contractor). The photos and the report are uploaded to the digital system, and copies are provided to the relevant parties.• After completing all the above legal procedures, the competent authority in the secretariat or municipality (municipal inspector and towing contractor) proceeds to lift the abandoned vehicle causing visual distortion from its location using a towing truck (Satha) to the impoundment site.
- The service is free and there is no charge for it.
- Issuance of subsidized real estate finance contracts for up to 25 years on an optional basis to beneficiaries on the understanding that the benefit is due for a maximum period of 20 years. If the beneficiary wishes to increase the period, the beneficiary shall bear the profits of the additional period (up to a maximum of 20 years to 25 years).
- The beneficiary's eligibility status will appear immediately.
- It means the beneficiary builds a house on a plot of land, or an additional floor, or completes a building under construction upon a progress payment system (it is stipulated that the construction completion certificate is not issued), and after being registered with the consultant and issuing the financier’s approval of the signature, the support is provided from the ministry according to the mechanism appropriate to the beneficiary, given that the building area in the unit is more than 125 square meters.
- Aims to provide a unified database, the main reference for investor seeking investment opportunities offered by secretariats and municipalities, which has a significant impact on the development of the Kingdom's cities and villages. The portal offers several advantages, the most important of which is the ease of research and access to various opportunities with minimal time and effort, without the difficulty of travelling to the headquarters of secretariats and municipalities to learn about these opportunities.
- The spaces vary according to the existing project.
- Self-construction can be benefited from if the same financier who mortgaged the land agrees to finance the beneficiary with construction loan, and the ministry’s support will be determined according to the mechanism appropriate to the beneficiary.
- The amount of support is calculated at a certain percentage of the number of profits for a maximum amount of SAR 500,000 for the amount of funding. Calculate the support of monthly earners (basic salary + housing allowance only) and deduct insurance or retirement from it. If the result is SAR 14,000 or less, the support rate will be 100% without consideration for the number of family members. After the payment of the monthly instalment to the financier, divide the support amount in equal monthly payments for a maximum period of 20 years and transfer it from the real estate fund account to the beneficiary's account.
- 5% is the value of the real estate transaction tax.
- It is a service that enables users of Sakani platform to apply for electronic financing of real estate products without the need to visit the financier. The service can be obtained after reserving the product by clicking the Services icon on the Sakani platform.
- It is a selling mechanism through which the beneficiary purchases the housing unit, provided that it will be built in the future (within a maximum period of 3 years) by a real estate developer under the supervision of the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing and is reserved through Sakani platform, after registration with the Advisor and appearance of the recommendations.
- 1/Licenses and Certificates 2/Classification of contractors and engineering offices 3/Environmental sanitation 4/Area and Land 5/Municipal Councils 6/Assets and Investment 7/Infrastructure 8/City Development 9/Interaction with customers 10/Control & Inspection
- Abandoned vehicles causing visual distortion located near residential units are not marked unless there is a complaint from the residents. In such cases, the procedures for marking abandoned vehicles are applied.
- The competent authority in the secretariat or municipality notifies the vehicle owner, the General Department of Traffic, and the General Directorate of Investigation and Criminal Research through electronic means that the vehicle has been towed to the impoundment site. The notification includes information about the impoundment site and the subsequent procedures in case of non-compliance.
- There is no specific period for benefit, if the conditions mentioned in the regulation and this regulation are met from the date of submitting the housing support application until it is allocated.
- The relevant secretariat or municipality notifies the owner or authorized person of the abandoned, damaged, or disrupted vehicle through a text message sent to the registered mobile number of the vehicle owner or authorized person on "Absher" platform via the technical link during the marking process. The notification emphasizes the need to promptly address the situation and remove the vehicle from its location after the specified period, while taking the relevant legal actions.
- The registration process must be completed on “Sakani” platform. If it is found that the application pertains to a case listed in the Ministry of Labor and Social Development lists and is eligible, the application will be automatically transferred to development housing according to the most urgent need.
- No objection, if the financing authority approves this.
- • Suitable size that is clear and readable. • Placement of the municipality's logo and the name of the General Cleaning Department. • Recording the date of sticker placement. • Including a statement for abandoned vehicles: "This abandoned vehicle is considered a violation, and if not corrected, it will be removed from the site after 20 days from this date." • Including a statement for damaged vehicles and disrupted machinery: "This damaged vehicle/ disrupted machinery is considered a violation, and if not corrected, it will be removed from the site after 14 days from this date." • Using high-quality adhesive paper. • Placing two stickers on both sides of the vehicle in a prominent position.
- The applicant must be a Saudi national at the time of applying for the housing subsidy and until the housing subsidy is allocated to him. The family is considered Saudi for the purposes of Law and these regulations if the applicant is a Saudi national.
- My Country portal aims to improve the quality of municipal services provided to all secretariats and municipalities of the Kingdom, activate the role of beneficiaries as active partners, improve their level of satisfaction and enhance the level of transparency among the municipal sector.
- Yes, the applicant has the right to modify his desire during the electronic application period only, and they are not allowed to change it after completing the signing of housing subsidy contracts with the financier.
- Yes, via Sakani application or platform.
- Abandoned vehicles causing visual distortion fall within the responsibility of the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and housing. Abandoned vehicles causing security concerns or posing a security risk fall within the responsibility of the Ministry of Interior
- No, he can't.
- No objection, but the bank must pay the full amount to REDF and the mortgage is released, as there cannot be two mortgages on the same house
- Abandoned vehicles are divided into two categories: Visually Distorting Abandoned Vehicles: These fall within the competence of the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing. The defining characteristic is that they cause visual distortion.Abandoned Vehicles Causing Security Concerns or Traffic Obstacles: These fall within the competence of the Ministry of Interior. According to local terminology, vehicles that are abandoned in streets, public squares, or public parking lots and are visually distorted are within the competence of the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing. However, vehicles that are abandoned, still usable, and pose a security concern or traffic obstacle are not within the competence of the Ministry of Interior.
- A vehicle that is unfit for use and left in a street, public parking area, or public square, exhibiting signs of damage and neglect causing visual distortion.
- A range of e-services, which you can see in the services directory by clicking and visiting the page link
- True, reservations can be made through the developer's sales center, and it is possible to communicate with the Ministry's communication channels to find out the location of the sales center for each project.
- There is no specific age, and the age of the housing unit is determined by agreement between the beneficiary and the financing entity.
- The lifting contractor is responsible for any damages that occur to the vehicle during its stay at their specific impoundment facility.
- No, you cannot obtain the subsided finance, since the housing subsidy can be utilized for once.
- If (90) days have passed since the impoundment of the vehicle, and the owner has not responded to any notifications and has not contacted the relevant entity regarding the violation during that period from the date of the violation, the municipality has the right to take the necessary legal procedures to recover the towing costs.
- Abandoned or damaged vehicles are monitored through the following reporting channels:Call Center 940.Social media accounts of secretariats and municipalities.Reports received through official channels.Patrols conducted by inspectors from the relevant secretariats or municipalities.balady application.
- The beneficiary can obtain the housing subsidy through the financiers or and the participating financing companies.
- The country bears the real estate transaction tax (RETT) on the purchase of the first house for the citizen only, up to a value of 50,000 riyals.
- By clicking on “search” at the designated location at the top of the site, the site will open a new tab containing an advanced search, by selecting the classification of the tenders of Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing portal, the site will search and display the results related to the search word.
- This is not allowed, as one can benefit from either the Ministry of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing or the Real Estate Development Fund.
- No, they can't take benefit from it.
- When the conditions set out in the Implementing Regulations of Statute of Housing Subsidy are met. You can review these conditions by visiting the Regulations and Regulations window on the link:
- Through the personal file, one can start the procedures for canceling the reservation, specifying the reason for the cancellation and saving to confirm the cancellation. Furthermore, the reservation cannot be canceled if an active financing contract is available.
- 1/Voter enrollment in the electoral calendar 2/Filter Registration 3/Election of a member of my country's Council
- 1/Giving a technical opinion on local planning issues 8/Determining the phases of the sites' urban range 2/ Adoption of a large “white” raw land plan 9/Edit approved scheme 3/Giving a technical opinion on urban planning issues 10/Agricultural Land Development 4/ Giving a technical opinion on the request to establish electrical stations 11/Integration of land located in more than one scheme 5/ Giving technical opinion on issues related to the building code 12/Follow up lighting works for private schemes 6/ Giving technical opinion on renewable energy projects 13/Provide municipal sector statistics 7/ Giving a technical opinion for the consultations related to the Saudi Building Code 14/Dissolution and annexation of the village
- It is a cost-supported financing program by the Real Estate Development Fund and the Ministry of Municipal, Village, and Housing Affairs in collaboration with banks and participating finance companies, which enables beneficiaries to accelerate their ownership of adequate housing through access to subsidized financing.
- If the owner of the abandoned, damaged, or disrupted vehicle does not wish to reclaim the vehicle during or after the impoundment period (90 days), the following procedures are taken:The relevant entity, such as the secretariat or municipality, sends a notification to the General Department of Traffic inquiring about the possibility of removing the vehicle's ownership from the traffic systems, ensuring that there are no outstanding security claims against it.The owner returns the vehicle's registration plates and submits a letter to the General Department of Traffic requesting the relinquishment of ownership.The vehicle owner signs a written declaration stating the relinquishment of their vehicle, and this information is communicated to the General Department of Traffic through the relevant entity.The vehicle owner settles any outstanding fines associated with the vehicle.
- It is a form directed to the financing entity from the Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs and Housing to confirm the beneficiary's request to finance the housing unit.
- If the owned house is suitable, i.e. armed and habitable, he cannot benefit from housing support
- The "self-assessment" tool aims to assist business owners to verify the level of compliance with the precautionary measures in place for business activities based on the guidance of those responsible for managing the coronavirus crisis. This service helps the owner of the enterprise to measure the level of commitment. This assessment results in a comprehensive and clear report, enabling him to plan the transition of his facility to a comprehensive level of compliance, by identifying gaps and working to correct them to achieve full compliance.
- Yes, you can offer the land for sale on “offering residential units for sale” service, whether it is residential, agricultural or commercial land
- The beneficiary can choose what is appropriate to the purchasing power of one of the available residential solutions "Purchase from the market - Self-build - Residential land - Housing units under construction - Prefabricated housing units from the Ministry". You can view the residential and financial solutions through Design Your Support Service on the Real Estate Consultant.
- It means that the eligible beneficiary chooses a ready-made villa from the Ministry and this villa is reserved through Sakani platform, after registering with the Advisor and appearance of the recommendations, and then the unit is purchased by the financier with support provided by the Ministry according to the mechanism appropriate to the beneficiary.
- The responsible entity is the municipality, and the application should be submitted before the specified impoundment period ends, along with the vehicle's or disrupted machinery's identity and ownership.
- Currently there are 5 available packages of housing subsidy: Advanced Subsidy Package, House Renovation Package, Self-Build Subsidy Package, Furniture Subsidy Package and Rent Subsidy Package.
- The housing support application procedures are stopped, and the applicant may re-activate the application procedures after the conditions are met again.
- 1/Street Development 18/Add parking on street 2/Deduction of land designated as a garden for building of a mosque 19/Add/Cancel (junction, wrap hole, passage, light signal) 3/Issue a technical report 20/Street Lighting 4/Add a name to the Road and Street Names Lexicon 21/Develop or Expand Street 5/Approval of the creation of an electricity room 22/ Develop a New Garden 6/ Approval of hydrological studies 23/ (renovation and restoration of municipal facilities) markets, cemeteries, public courses 7/ Approval of traffic impact studies for schemes and projects 24/Determination of street levels 8/Approval of requests for the construction of communication towers in public parks 25/Modify the use of a site or facility to the use of a mosque 9/ Approval of power room transmission 26/Change the name of the street 10/Report on disaster-related data 27/Organizing the mosque area within the approved public facilities 11/Set up a sidewalk 28/Festival Site Configuration Service/Event 12/Water catchment clearance (aquatic cluster study) 29/Integrating Streets 13/High rock removal 30/ Asphalting streets 14/Issuance of permanent linkage licenses with drainage network 31/Maintenance of road facilities 15/Issuance of temporary linkage licenses with flood drainage network 32/Addressing the request for the organization of a government facility 16/Add or remove the bump, design positions, put indicative panels 33/Transfer of electrical transformer from house to adjacent garden land 17/Add facility to the mosque
- There is no need to modify the number of family members through Sakani platform, and when submitting an application with the financier, the number of family members in the family card is relied upon.
- We continue to provide housing solutions that contribute to improving the lifestyle, and you can choose one of the available housing solutions "purchase from the market - self-construction - residential lands - housing units under construction - ready housing units from the ministry." You can view the housing solutions through Sakani website and application
- - Log in to Sakani platform or application.- Select of a real estate product.- Determine the financier.- Enter the financing information.- Accept the initial offer.- Send the application to financier.
- Waiver of entitlement is only between spouses.
- The correction period for abandoned vehicles is 20 days, granted to the owner to address the vehicle, and the period starts from the date of marking the abandoned vehicle. The correction period for damaged vehicles or disrupted machinery is 14 days, granted to the owner to address the damaged vehicle or disrupted machinery, and the period starts from the date of marking the damaged vehicle or disrupted machinery.