In line with the Saudi Vision 2030 goals of a vibrant society and a diverse, sustainable economy, MOMRAH seeks to strengthen the municipal and housing sectors by boosting homeownership rate to 70% by 2030, improving municipal services provided in Saudi cities, and revitalizing urban landscape in Saudi Arabia through a sound vision, backing of wise leaders, and an ambitious nation working to realize the country’s lofty aspirations.

To provide a healthy and dignified life for all Saudi and resident families, MOMRAH has taken on the task of implementing seven of the Vision Realization Programs: the Housing Program, the Quality of Life Program, the Fiscal Sustainability Program, the Privatization Program, the National Transformation Program, the National Industrial Development and Logistics Program, and the Pilgrim Experience Program.

MOMRAH reviewed the action strategy, plans, and all deliverables for the municipal and housing sectors to enhance effective partnerships with the private sector and automate all MOMRAH services to be more accessible and efficient, thereby bringing about sustainable development while maintaining constant engagement with the beneficiaries. In addition to providing a variety of housing and financing options to help Saudi families buy their first home, MOMRAH also works to humanize Saudi cities through planning, improving urban aesthetics and strengthening health control to give citizens and residents access to high-quality services that meet their aspirations.

The redesigned website provides information and news about MOMRAH, branches, and new services. Website visitors are also encouraged to get in touch with MOMRAH for any questions, comments, or ideas they may have.

In closing, I pray that Allah the Almighty bestows upon us the ability to live up to the hopes and dreams of our wise leaders and beneficiaries.

Majed bin Abdullah Al-Hogail

Minister of Municipal Rural Affairs and Housing

Majed bin Abdullah Al-Hogail

Majed bin Abdullah Al-Hogail

Municipalities and Housing Minister