This Policy establishes the conditions, principles, rules, and powers of publication, and coordinates the efficient use of MOMRAH website material to deliver a value service to the customer. Materials published on this website must be prepared in accordance with this Policy.

The Policy includes:

•           Responsibilities & Powers

•           General Principles

•           Content Text Standards

•           Image Standards

•           Link Standards

•           Content & Findability Standards

•           Publication Standards

•           Comment and E-Participation Standards

Responsibilities & Powers:

The management of the website at the General Department of Media and Corporate Communication is dedicated to posting and reviewing the content on the website, as well as commenting on the appropriateness of the content to be published, in order to help MOMRAH achieve its objectives and enhance its media and communication exposure. MOMRAH departments, each in its respective area of competence, are committed to creating e-content and continuously following up to update its content. To this end, there shall be designated a liaison officer within each department to ensure content quality (including vetting and approval), communicate updates to the content department, and respond quickly to content department requests from the General Department of Media and Corporate Communication.

General Principles:

•           The published material should be of excellent quality in terms of language elegance, concept flow, and expressive smoothness.

•           Neither the site’s regulations nor the state’s laws should be broken by the content.

•           The content may not jeopardise the privacy of others.

•           The content should be correct and free of spelling and grammar errors.

•           The content should be appropriately formulated in terms of consistency and flow.

•           The content must not be incompatible with religion, government regulations, accepted policies, or university, state, or IT-supervising authority restrictions.

Content Text Standards:

•           The page should feature an attractive headline that clarifies the topic's essence.

•           Subheadings and headlines should be used and distinguished.

•           Just one or two fonts should be used.

•           The material must be correct and free of spelling and grammar errors.

•           Texts must be concise.

•           Having numerous themes on a single page should be avoided as much as feasible.

•           In order to facilitate user reading experience and avoid redundant details, it is recommended that the key points of the topic be summarised and presented upfront.

•           Note that the user goes directly to the critical information and avoids reading every single point. So, help them with that by using marks, titles and bulleted list.

Image Standards:

•           The image needs to be eye-catching and of good quality.

•           The size of the image should be adjusted as required.

•           The image should be appropriate for the content and convey the message.

•           Images containing graphs or illustrations should be accompanied by texts for clarification.

•           Images that offend modesty or contravene Sharia or state law may not be published.

Link Standards:

•           All links provided within the content shall properly work.

•           Only governmental or official websites should be linked to; no links should be created to unknown websites.

•           There should be no empty links, and all links must contain content.

Content & Findability Standards:

•           Diverse and frequently used words should be used to increase content findability.

•           Titles of content should be precise and specific to improve findability.

Publication Standards:

•           The content should be thoroughly reviewed and proofread before publication.

•           The content should be approved by the competent department before publication.

•           The content should be published as close to the time of the event as possible.

•           The published content should be arranged by date.

•           Copyright and IP rights must be respected.