الهيكل الاستراتيجي
Main Pillars

Spatial Planning and Urban Landscape

  • Elevating Visual Appeal

  • Elevating the Quality of Living

  • Enabling Urban Sustainability

Land and real estate management

  • Transparency in municipal property

  • Land management efficiency


  • Covering infrastructure projects and infrastructure maintenance

  • Project delivery efficiency

  • Ensuring the quality of infrastructure projects

Hygiene and public health

  • Improving cleaning services

  • Improving public health services

  • Awareness and enforcement

Supply stimulus

  • Offered housing unit stimulus

  • Promoting land availability and eliminating monopolization

  • Elevating Visual Appeal

Enabling Demand

  • Enabling Beneficiaries to Obtain Appropriate Housing Products

  • Enabling the neediest families to own housing


Legislations and compliance

  • Activating incentives to increase compliance

  • Developing the monitoring system

  • Legislation effectiveness

  • Elevating the real estate development system’s efficiency

Financial Sustainability

  • Ensuring that revenue from fees and fines is commensurate with the cost of services

  • Privatization of municipal services

  • Increasing investment revenues

  • Increasing the efficiency of capital and operating expenses

  • Optimal budget planning

Organizational Excellence

  • Attracting, cultivating and retaining qualified talents

  • Improving the organizational maturity levels

  • Improving organizational communication and raising awareness of the ministry's services and products

  • Promoting community participation and social responsibility

  • Activating innovation in service provision

Digital transformation and data

  • Digital transformation and smart cities

  • Benefitting from data

  • Improving the beneficiary experience